Dr. Ben Harris - Director of Clinical Governance and Compliance

“Whatever happens to you in the future, we will be here to support you with it and it will likely be something we have dealt with before.”

 Ben Harris Photo

“I have worked for Hospice Isle of Man since 1994 as medical/clinical director. In that time I have seen Hospice grow from a small organisation providing a limited amount of care for people with cancer to what we have now which is a comprehensive palliative care service available to all those with life threatening conditions.

We position the patient at the centre of our care and we tailor what is provided to their individual needs and we provide care not just for the patient themselves but also for their close carers and family.

People with life threatening conditions such as cancer are very vulnerable and worried about what might happen to them. Hospice can confidently say to them “Whatever happens to you in the future, we will be here to support you with it and it will likely be something we have dealt with before.”

Over the years I have been privileged to work with a great many caring and committed professionals who routinely go the extra mile to make Hospice’s services as good as possible.

Hospice is in good hands and the future is bright for the next 40 years.”

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